Saturday, January 19, 2008


We spent New Year's Eve with Phil's sister and her family in Hockessin, Delaware. Phil's surprised us by driving down from New York to bring in the New Year with us. Here are pictures from that day and New Year's Day morning.

A visit to Phil's brother.
Phil and his nephews, Joe and Rob, visited Bill's brother at the Shrine Of Our Lady Of Czestochowa on the morning of December 31st. They rolled down the windows of the minivan, cranked up Keith Richards' "Take It So Hard" and drank a toast to Bill a few days before what would have been his 56th birthday (January 3).

New Year's Eve

Phil and Joe.

Cindy and Tiffany playing pool. Phil's mom and dad are also pictured.

Crystal & Lulu

Tara (Rob's girlfriend), Cindy & Rob

Rob with Bailey on his lap, Suzie & John (Phil's sister and brother-in-law).

New Year's Day

Dad, Phil, Cindy, Suzie, Mom & John

Dad, Tiffany, Mom, Crystal, Suzie, Rob & John

Dad, Phil, Rob & John

Mom, Tiffany, Crystal, Cindy & Suzie

Tiffany, Rob, Cindy, Suzie & the Dogs

Rob, Cindy, Suzie & the Dogs

Rob, Cindy & the Dogs

Snickers, Lulu & Bailey

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