Monday, May 01, 2006


We are down to the final five days before the BIG EVENT. Here is a little more information about our wedding.

The celebrant of the wedding mass is Father Tom Skindeleski. Father Tom was Phil's religion teacher and class master at St. Mary's Prep in Orchard Lake, Michigan. It is often said that God works in mysterious ways and this is one of those times. Initially, we had no idea who would perform the sacrament of Matrimony. However, after not seeing Father Tom for over twenty-five years, he became pastor at St. Vincent Ferrer late last year. We are grateful for all of his help.

John Bolinski and Rob Bolinki (both ushers, both Phil's nephews) will server as lectures. Marlene & Chuck McGowan and Louise & Fred Bukowski will be presenting the gifts.

Cindy's daughters, Tiffany and Crystal will be brides maids. Cheri Leahy, Cindy's sister, will serve as Matron of Honor. The best man is Rich Prieto.

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