Phil and Cindy Bukowski's place for sharing the events of our lives with our friends and family, starting with the preparation and events leading to our wedding on May 6, 2006 and continuing on ...
The site of our wedding reception has been chosen - it is The Flamingo Room, on Federal Highway in Delray Beach. The Flamingo Room is located behind Ellie's 50's Diner.
The reception will begin immediately after the wedding mass on May 6. More details to come. Until then, here are a few pictures.
We are happy to tentatively announce that we are proceeding with May 6, 2006 as the planned date for our wedding. Of course, until all of the i's are dotted and t's crossed, this date can't be certain. So for now, pencil it in. As soon as more details are available they will be posted. Keep checking back.
The first eight pictures have been posted and are now available for viewing by using Photos in the Linkssection, or by clicking on the following: PHIL and CINDY 2006 photos./ More coming soon...