Note: If you compare this year's card to last year's, you'll notice some family changes:
1. Trix was returned to nature.
2. Damian, who got very big and strong, was relocated to a larger home.
3. When we adopted Ozzy and Ringo, we noticed an attribute about Kermit that Damian did not possess. Kermit was very protective of the two younger cage mates, to the point of laying across both of them to keep then warm on cool nights. That, and the lighter green color have led us to believe that Kermit is actually a female. Hence, the name change to Kermita - no surgery necessary.
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Phil had fun making these so we thought we'd share. They're only available until January 15, 2011, so enjoy them while you can. Oh, and don't be fooled by the start image - the first and second videos are different: